To Be Like Jesus : Just Like Jesus : Theosis

Rev David Graham, doesn't write, "To Be Like Jesus" as a direct decendant of the founder of Asuza Pacific University or as 'relative' of Billy Graham (the originator of the infamous term, "born again").  David writes the book, To Be Like Jesus, as a pastor of many whom were members and attendees of various churches throughout the United States.  Rev Graham also writes the book to hundreds, thousands, and perhaps tens of thousands of individual moments with people from all proverbial "walks of life".

The book weaves and intertwines the concept of Theosis. a simple yet, perhaps impactful doctrine of the protestant church, as Theosis relates to Sonship.  A concept referenced in 1 John 3:1 and explained, at length, by, perhaps ironically Joy Dixon, his mother.

When purchasing the book online, you'll be invited to a personal online conversation with the author (as time permits) and welcomed into weekly online events to discuss the theme of To Be Like Jesus, and many simple, yet perhaps important ideas on how to live a life that is worth living.  (a book title shared by both Rev David Graham and. now passed away, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (former Chief Rabbi of England).

To Be Like Jesus : Just Like Jesus : Theosis

Rev David Graham is a direct descendant of William Pinkham, one of the original founders of Asuza Pacific University.  Bertha Dixon (one of David's 'great aunts' was the first woman graduate of Brown University) was also one of the first three presidents of APU.  Other relatives, of note (not related to religious concepts) is Joe Dixon (1st appointee to the U.S. department of interior by President Hoover and 7th governor of Montana), Paul Dixon (co-inventor of WD-40 and other 'things', his father Hugh Spencer Graham, inventor and businessperson (whom partnered with the son of Dave Weyerhauser of Weyerhauser Lumber [26 Billion dollar market cap company]) and a few 'others'...including...including...Gaylord Dixon.

David's wife Linda Romero Graham is a person of note for her participation and involvement in U.S. military programs (as her family served at various high ranking and mid ranking in the U.S. Army and U.S. Airforce) and, amongst other things, president of the Montecito/Hope Ranch Republican Women and Professional Business Woman of the Year for the Santa Barbara,, Ca branch.


to be like jesus

Since Dave's son is has been tasked with a few things...among other things - to stack things on TOP (Torah Outreach Program) of other things...and where's Harley anyways - arch nemisis?  The Motorcycle ride isn't the same and there would be (like the Jack Harlow song, "What's Popp'n" lyrics "dis on A. Graham") without Harley - Davidson & Harley...err from rite to left?  Harley Davidson - Or is it more like Dumb and Dumber?  (traded the San Diego 'energy van' for the moped...?

What is this concept of Theosis, anyways?  Like in terms of Learning Yiddish - like, so, KT can be like the daughter of Zuess?  Actually, admonished to keep things light, in other words, it gets dark...Some people's are more serious than death, perhaps literally, when these concepts are important to really UNDERSTAND the concept of Theosis.  Perhaps both here on earth and after death the concept of Theosis, matters.  

In other words, the Rabbinic tradition heavily relies on Theosis to establish hierarchy for this and the next generations - of which, can actually be observed by "humans" - in other words, through the study (mostly) and perhaps even the application of Halachic laws, or some form of them (of which J.C.'s teachings mench-ions at times, as per Rabbi Schmuely Boteach says 'teachings ere kosher, however simple they may or may not have been" and also 'accepted' by Islam and so forth.) a person can 'transform' themselves (what?! like a car into a more capable and cool car?) into a nu creation...?